Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cats are GOOD. Don't believe TV.

Been wanting to post this for many years. As a child I remember the insanity of "cats are evil" and "dogs are good" themes running through the cartoons I watched, all while curled up on the couch with my favorite kitty snuggled and purring next to me.

This does not apply to all cartoons. Among those I do not abhor:

  • Garfield (actually this one says dogs are dumb, but doesn't go so far as to say they're evil)
  • Heathcliff (same as Garfield)
  • Thundercats

Stereotypes against Cats documented here

Here are the cartoons my gen watched growing up, and the slant against cats is terrible!  If you didn't have a cat of your own, you might not know the truth.

Sylvester & Tweety

Sylvester is the sneaky, dim-witted predator and Tweety is the adowable widdle birdie. Sylvester might win battles, but Tweety always won the war.

Tom & Jerry

This one might not be as bad because Tom, Jerry, and the dog probably inflicted as much damage on each other as possible. Tom always got worse treatment.

The Simpsons

(this section would not have been possible without

I do know that Tom & Jerry's faux counterparts, Itchy and Scratchy mimic them, and that the mouse always ends up winning over the cat.

Perhaps one day I will thoroughly research and document all cat and dog episodes in The Simpsons, but the most cat oriented episode summary is as follows. Draw your own conclusions.

Episode 322 (FABF04) "I, (Annoyed Grunt)-bot"
Snowball II gets hit by a car, and after Marge reads the bookWhen Bad Things Happen To Cute Children, she and Lisa go to find a new cat. Unfortunately, Snowball III drowns trying to catch fish in the Simpsons' fish tank and Coltrane, aka Snowball IV, falls out the window to his death after listening to the music of the original John Coltrane. While sitting outside, the Crazy Cat Lady throws a cat at Lisa that looks exactly like Snowball II. Lisa sends it away, thinking it'll die if it's with her. When the cat walks away, a car, owned by Gil is about to hit it, but the car misses and drives into a tree and explodes. Noticing that the cat didn't die, Lisa takes it in. In order to save money on food dishes and to forget any of this ever happened, she names it Snowball II, even though it's technically Snowball V.

The episode marks a milestone in the history of the series, as Snowball II is killed off, the closest thing to an actual Simpson family member actually being killed off (besides Homer's mother death in season 19's "Mona Leaves-a.") 16.3 million people watched this episode on January 11, 2004. At least it had a good ending.

The Smurfs

The Smurfs have a dog friend they hang out and play with and love. The only enemy of the Smurfs is Gargamel, and his cat Azrael.

How many children did this corrupt and brainwash to think the media lies?

Inspector Gadget

Our hero Inspector Gadget and his niece Penny have a helpful dog named Brain. Our villain Dr. Claw (already implying bad=claws on a cat) has a sidekick cat (nameless?) who gleefully accepts the Dr.'s pets and laughs at every misfortune that happens to Gadget and Co.

Apparently Dr. Claw never ventured out from behind his computer, and lived in a dark place (with access to wine according to this screenshot?). Meanwhile the heroes are out in the fresh air (possibly drinking beer?).

Geek aside: Although there is a cat/dog stereotype here, they do not stereotype the use of technology. Although Dr. Claw has a [Windows 95] machine [with modem internet access], they do not say all IT is bad. Penny has her famous [4G wireless iPad] computer book and does some nice things with it herself.


Found a great link on this very subject with regard to Walt Disney. Please click here for that info!

Good News for Cats moving forward - The Future is Bright!

Cats on the Internet:

Some are internet behemoths, taking up to 100% of an employee's average workday. Some are esoteric, some possibly offensive, but we can all agree that the more cats there are on the internet, the better this world will be.

I Can Has Cheesburger

The pinnacle of human engineering, the apex of society. This is the website that made cat-loving acceptible in society and I love them for that. This now mainstream website was once an offbeat experiment but has grown into a kitty empire.


Cat vs. Human

Although the name seems to indicate a cat-hating site, you can instantly tell that the person who writes these comics loves cats. She is writing from the perspective that loving you cat is a given, and the comics are then drawn from the everyday small quirks and conflicts that arise when living with a cat. So cute, well drawn, and highly recommended. There is even a book out on Amazon I got which is awesome!


Cats that look like Hitler

From the site: Does your cat look like Adolf Hitler? Do you wake up in a cold sweat every night wondering if he's going to up and invade Poland? Does he keep putting his right paw in the air while making a noise that sounds suspiciously like "Sieg Miaow"? If so, this is the website for you.

Stuff on my Cat

An amusing way to pass your time if you are very bored. If done properly, this will only slightly irritate your cat yet result in a lot of stuff on him or her.

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